FedEx International Economy®

FedEx International Economy®


parcel $$ - Postal Service

Ship Now
DHL Documents

DHL Documents


documents $$ - Postal Service

Ship Now
Empty State

Market Best For


Middle East and Africa







Insurance Policy

Up to 100

No liability


Return Policy

Yes - You can recall a shipment before it is delivered

Yes - You can recall a shipment before it is delivered


Number of Delivery Attempts

Up to Three Attempts

Up to Three Attempts


Offers Scheduled Delivery




Handling Type

Paid Pick Up

Free Pick Up


Import Tax Handling

Both Sender and Receiver Can Pay The Taxes

Both Sender and Receiver Can Pay The Taxes


Prohibited Items

Stand-Alone Batteries and Batteries packed with equipment are not allowed. Liquids and Lithium Batteries contained in equipment are allowed.

Documents Only


Pricing Calculation

By volumetric weight

By actual weight


Maximum Volumes

Weight: 150 lbs

Length: 274 cm

Width: -

Height: -

Volume: -

Weight: 2kg

Length: -

Width: -

Height: -

Volume: -

Weight: -

Length: -

Width: -

Height: -

Volume: -

Number of Employees

425,000 in 2018

Over 350,000


Number of Offices

1,900 FedEx Office locations worldwide

Over 4000 offices in 220 countries


Market Cap

49.61B USD on 7th December 2018

Subsidiary of Deutsche Post


Shipments per Annum

More than 14 million each business day

160 million per year



Memphis, United States

Bonn, Germany


Year Founded




©2021 United Parcel Service of America, Inc. UPS, the UPS brand mark and the color brown are trademarks of the United Parcel Service of America, Inc. All rights reserved.