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Estime sus impuestos y aranceles al enviar desde México a Honduras en función del peso de su envío, el valor y el tipo de producto.
Al hacer un envío internacional desde , este puede estar sujeto a un arancel aduanero y a un impuesto de importación. Cada país es diferente, y al enviar a , debe tener en cuenta lo siguiente.
En Honduras, el cálculo se realiza utilizando el método CIF, lo que significa que los aranceles e impuestos de importación se calculan en función del valor de las mercancías importadas, así como de los gastos de envío.
Haga clic aquí o utilice nuestra calculadora para ver las tarifas.
There are usually also charges levied by the import customs broker for filing the import customs clearance documents with the local customs authorities. This customs brokerage fee will be in addition to the customs duties and import VAT / GST applied to the imported goods.
Easyship se creó para permitir que cualquier negocio crezca, facilitando sus envíos a o a cualquier otro país del mundo.
Vea cómo Easyship agiliza el despacho de aduanas o regístrese hoy mismo para enviar con estas magníficas opciones de envío.
- días laborables
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REGÍSTRESE AHORAEasyship determines the import duties and tax charges for your international orders to Honduras
Custom duties and taxes can be complicated, cause hold ups at customs, incur unexpected shipping costs, ruin the customer experience and have sellers lose their clients. We make sure that you know upfront how much to pay so you can avoid unpleasant surprises and shipment delays in the future.
To calculate import duty rates for your shipment, multiply the taxable value of your shipment by the tax and duty percentage for Honduras.
Remember, import duty percentages vary for each category of goods.
The taxable value is usually based on the value of the goods, but depending on the valuation method of a country, it can also include other amounts.
Import duty is a tax imposed by a government on goods from other countries. This added tax on imported goods is aimed to make foreign products less desirable and encourage supporting the domestic market.
Not paying taxes is tax evasion, which we don't encourage. It's not worth risking your business getting fined. It's best to know any customs duty rate amount that is applicable to your shipment, and be upfront with customers on pricing. Use the import taxes calculator for an estimate or visit our countries information for an individual breakdown.
The customs authority can easily check your business website and other sources to verify if the value listed matches the actual value of the item. Listing a lower value in order to avoid taxes is tax evasion and against the law.
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