USPS Priority Mail International
parcel $$ - Postal Service
No liability
Up to Three Attempts
Free Pick Up
No Stand-Alone Batteries or Lithium Batteries packed with the shipment, only Lithium Batteries which are included in the product are allowed
By volumetric weight
Poids: 70 lb
Longueur: -
Largeur: -
Hauteur: -
Volume: 274 cm
Poids: -
Longueur: -
Largeur: -
Hauteur: -
Volume: -
Poids: -
Longueur: -
Largeur: -
Hauteur: -
Volume: -
639,789 as of September 30, 2016
34,000 retail offices
Government Owned
149.5 billion in 2017
Washington, D.C., United States
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