SF Express Local

SF Express Local


parcel $$ - Postal Service

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DPEX Express Battery

DPEX Express Battery


parcel $$ - Postal Service

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SF Express Mail US

SF Express Mail US


parcel $$ - Postal Service

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Market Best For


Asia Pacific

North America






Insurance Policy

No liability

Up to USD 100

No liability

Return Policy


Yes - You can recall a shipment before it is delivered


Number of Delivery Attempts

Up to Two Attempts

Up to Two Attempts

Up to Two Attempts

Offers Scheduled Delivery




Handling Type

Free Pick Up

Free Pick Up

No Pickup

Import Tax Handling

No Import Tax

Both Sender and Receiver Can Pay The Taxes

Only Receiver Can Pay the Taxes

Prohibited Items

Stand-Alone Batteries and Batteries packed with equipment are not allowed. Liquids and Lithium Batteries contained in equipment are allowed.

Stand-Alone Batteries, Lithium Batteries packed with the equipment and Liquids are not allowed

No Stand-Alone Batteries or Lithium Batteries packed with the shipment, only Lithium Batteries which are included in the product are allowed

Pricing Calculation

By volumetric weight

By volumetric weight

By actual weight

Maximum Volumes

Weight: 40 kg

Length: 150 cm

Width: -

Height: -

Volume: 300 cm

Weight: 100kg

Length: 120

Width: -

Height: -

Volume: -

Weight: 2 kg

Length: -

Width: -

Height: -

Volume: -

Number of Employees

400,000 as of March 2017

Over 250

400,000 as of March 2017

Number of Offices

Over 4,000 locations in China

Over 20 countries

Over 4,000 locations in China

Market Cap

157.15B CNY on 7th December 2018

Not reported

157.15B CNY on 7th December 2018

Shipments per Annum

Not reported

Not reported

Not reported


Shenzhen, China


Shenzhen, China

Year Founded




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