Gabi the label

Gabi the Label streamlined its global shipping with Easyship, benefiting from up to 91% discounted rates, reliable tracking, and a dedicated fulfillment partner.

Before Easyship

  • Costly shipping with unreliable couriers
  • Limited international options
  • Time-consuming fulfillment
  • Spotty tracking

With Easyship

  • Saves on discounted courier rates
  • Ships globally with 250+ couriers
  • Saves time with outsourced fulfillment
  • Global real-time tracking

About Gabi the label

Jody Chan chanced upon her life’s work during a trip to Rome in 2018. One day she encountered an old Italian brass worker, hammering away at a trinket on a church stoop. The man had created a flawless chain necklace from almost nothing.

The display of artistic mastery so inspired Jody, a former fashion student, that she decided right there to launch her own jewelry brand. Joined by her mother who shares her penchant for design, they launched Gabi the Label. The designer duo creates elegant jewelry from their Singapore studio, and also curates unique pieces from global jewelers for its online store. Today, Gabi the Label ships to over 80 countries with seamless fulfillment – but the road to success wasn’t without its hurdles.

Their Challenge

By 2020, demand for jewelery had exceeded the company’s ability to ship cost-effectively. Gabi the Label still relied on the same small pool of couriers to ship hundreds of international orders each month. Without access to competitive rates, Jody was overpaying on cross-border shipping to Europe and North America, her new growth markets.

International buyers also complained of delivery delays and inadequate tracking from couriers, each service request adding to Jody’s already hectic days. Stretched thin, she knew it was time to cut costs, improve the international shipping experience, and find a partner that could lighten the load of fulfillment.

How Easyship Helped

Gabi the Label found everything it needed in Easyship: discounted courier rates, reliable tracking, and a trusty fulfillment partner. Aided by her dedicated success manager, Calvin, Jody picked new couriers from Easyship’s global network of hundreds. Now all her shipping rates were discounted up to 91% off and included global tracking. This allowed her company to anywhere affordably, even remote Fiji and Bermuda, and with tracking for customer peace of mind.

Next, Calvin introduced Jody to a fulfillment partner in Singapore to streamline operations. Outsourcing fulfillment meant no more packing boxes or daily trips to the post office, freeing Jody to refocus on growing her business into Europe. Since Easyship integrates with the company’s sales channels and the partner’s warehouse software, Jody easily manages all her multi-channel shipping activity from her laptop – while exploring Europe for new jewelry to sell.

Results & Impact

Easyship helped Gabi the Label double its operational efficiency and cut shipping costs at once. The team managed all shipping activity in the Easyship dashboard, including orders fulfilled by their partner. The once disjointed fulfillment flow became simple, and with clarity came productivity.

Time and money saved went into new growth initiatives in the UK, Germany, and France. Meanwhile, faster fulfillment and real-time tracking gave a lift to customer satisfaction. Equipped with a solid foundation of fulfillment, rock-bottom shipping rates, and total shipment visibility, Gabi was once again confident in her company’s future success.

What's Next?

“It may be a good idea for us to partner with a warehouse in Europe to get our products shipped quicker to Europe and North America. This could also boost our presence in these markets as well.”

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