Jules Garcia
3 min read
March 8, 2023

Today is March 8th which means one thing... International Women's Day is back! For those reading who aren't aware, International Women's Day is a global movement that celebrates women's achievements, be they cultural, social, political, or economic.

Each year has a different theme and this year it is "Embrace Equity".

Here at Easyship, we're proud to have many wonderful women as part of our team and we've asked the women of Easyship a few questions to help celebrate International Women's Day 2023.

Meet The Women of Easyship

Sara Bertola - Associate HR Manager

What career advice would you give yourself 5 years ago?

Never lose your curiosity and resilience, and remember that every effort matters—even if you're not seeing the results yet.

How do you stay productive throughout the day? Any tips?

To stay productive, I prioritise tasks for the day/week and allocate specific blocks of time for each one. I turn off notifications during periods of high concentration, and I take regular breaks to recharge and stay energised.

What do you enjoy most about being a woman in the tech industry?

It's no secret that tech is a male-dominated field, and that can make it difficult for women to advance and be recognised for their talents. So, I feel privileged to be in a position where I can help bring positive change. It's a rewarding feeling, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to be a part of it.

Asis Kharbanda - Customer Experience Executive

What career advice would you give yourself 5 years ago?

Don’t be hard on yourself, things will fall into place as you grow. Concentrate on learning and your learning will be your biggest strength in the future.

How do you stay productive throughout the day? Any tips?

Excitement, hunger to learn, and spreading happiness in the result of a happy customer pushes me to be more productive. But, not to forget your mental health. Taking short breaks and spending time with my family, helps me keep going. :))

What do you enjoy most about being a woman in the tech industry?

EQUALITY. It’s astonishing that all the lovely women out there making history and changing the perspective of how the world sees women.

Alexandra Guedou - Associate HR Manager

What career advice would you give yourself 5 years ago?

Be patient, trust yourself. You can do everything you put your heart, mind, and soul into.

How do you stay productive throughout the day? Any tips?

I sometimes lock myself into a room without any distractions. I remove the notifications and put my phone away to be 100% dedicated to what I am doing.

What do you enjoy most about being a woman in the tech industry?

Considering that there are mostly men in the tech industry, it feels really nice as a woman to be able to make your mark as well in this industry.

I feel empowered and respected.

Lilly Brown - Digital Art Director

What career advice would you give yourself 5 years ago?

If you never ask, you'll never receive. The worst that can happen is you are told no. As Wayne Gretzky said, "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take". You were hired because you bring value. Work hard, bring positive energy, and stay humble, but make sure to ask for what you deserve. Don't forget that you are worthy of success.

How do you stay productive throughout the day? Any tips?

Coffee is a must! I always start my morning with a cappuccino - and an attempt at creative foam art (I'm a master at foam blobs). I find it very helpful to physically write out my daily tasks on paper. I like to write out my to-do list at the end of each work day, so in the mornings, my priorities are clear and I can get started right away. I also find it very important to take a break during the day and step away from the computer to focus on something else for a while - this can be having a chat with a co-worker, going on a quick walk, or playing a bit of ping pong. A quick computer break always helps to re-energize.

What do you enjoy most about being a woman in the tech industry?

One of the aspects I enjoy most about being a woman in the tech industry is the potential to make a difference as a female leader, as I move forward in my career. I'm always striving to bring positive influence to both my work and those around me. According to Exploding Topics, only 10.9% of CEOs or senior leadership roles in the tech industry are held by women. Only 26.7% of roles in tech, in general, are held by women. I'm proud to be one of those women in the tech industry and hope to see the numbers balance out in the near future. I feel that companies are most successful when there is a mixture of women and men in leadership positions. It creates a lovely balance and a range of perspectives from the top down.

Jaun Deza - QA Engineer

What career advice would you give yourself 5 years ago?

If there’s something that your heart nudges you to try, do it! Don’t be afraid to be a beginner again, fail, or fear being unqualified. Just go because whichever career path you take will eventually lead you to where you should be. You’ll gain valuable experiences along the way.

How do you stay productive throughout the day? Any tips?

For me, it’s helpful to first think about “What do I hope to achieve today?” or “How do I want to spend this day?” before working on something. I feel guilty when I waste time, so I usually create a list and start working on the most important and challenging ones in the morning while my energy is at its peak. Now and then, I take short breaks from what I’m doing to refresh my perspective, like going out for a walk, playing with my cat, or reading a book while having merienda, and then I continue where I left off.

Nobody is 100% productive all the time, but it’s essential to be disciplined in sticking to a habit. Try not to rush or overexert yourself. Live and achieve goals one day at a time. (Notes to self!

What do you enjoy most about being a woman in the tech industry?

The tech industry has some of the smartest, most creative, and most determined people I know, and it’s an advantage that I get to learn from and collaborate with them. I am grateful that I could be myself here and bring something to the table without fear of prejudice and discrimination. Furthermore, it is inspiring that I see more women progressively leading and empowering others in tech.

Maheen Hasan - Partnerships Manager

What career advice would you give yourself 5 years ago?

Understand the business from all fronts! Having a holistic picture allows you to tackle problems from different angles, bring in new perspectives and become a thought leader

How do you stay productive throughout the day? Any tips?

Plan your week on Sunday! Make sure your calendar has blocks so you can do dedicated work. If you're running in to road blocks, don't shy away from asking for support so you can continue to move the needle and execute!

What do you enjoy most about being a woman in the tech industry?

Women in tech are making major waves to impact the industry’s future so it's a really exciting time to be part of an industry that is dynamic, collaborative, and one that is constantly challenging you to problem solve.

Lauren Green - Copywriter

What career advice would you give yourself 5 years ago?

Take the time to find out what you truly excel in and ask yourself what your dream job role would be. Once you have figured out what you want from your career and your end goal, set yourself small, manageable steps to help you get there. Sometimes your path will change along the way and that's fine, but keeping your dream career in mind will give you the motivation you need to keep going.

How do you stay productive throughout the day? Any tips?

I like to start each day by writing out a list of things that need to be done in order of priority and time-block each task.

Time-blocking helps me to stay on track and avoid distractions. Short, frequent breaks are also beneficial in between tasks and coffee helps too!

What do you enjoy most about being a woman in the tech industry?

As someone who isn't the most tech-savvy person, it's great to find out more about other roles and see how things work behind the scenes - especially the data side of things.

Kodarie Wan - Performance Marketing Lead

What career advice would you give yourself 5 years ago?

5 years ago I just graduated from Msc Computer Science and started my career at digital marketing. If I can give myself any advice I will encourage myself to utilise tech/ codes better in my daily work.

How do you stay productive throughout the day? Any tips?

I would say new ideas or tools keep me productive, whenever I am doing regular tasks for long, I will try to spare sometimes playing with new tools like ChatGPT, TOME and see if they can facilitate my work or bring in some new idea for me.

What do you enjoy most about being a woman in the tech industry?

I enjoy the way that people surrounding me are smart and dynamic so there is unlimited potential for learning even if you just talk to people around you.

Marine Levert - SEO Manager

What career advice would you give yourself 5 years ago?

Be patient, listen, and don't be afraid to ask questions. Industry changes constantly, so keep informing yourself, discussing with senior team members, and learning and practicing constantly.

How do you stay productive throughout the day? Any tips?

The key to staying productive is to have a variety of projects throughout the day; you should have your own projects, work with different team members, and learn about the industry & competitors and your role. In addition to feeling accomplished, it improves your personal knowledge, which helps you be more productive.

What do you enjoy most about being a woman in the tech industry?

The innovations which are driven by women. Seeing how they approach the process based on their knowledge or experience interests me. I guess it's a form of support and feeling supported in the future for upcoming projects.

Elena Romero - HR Administrator

What career advice would you give yourself 5 years ago?

Five years ago, I wish I had given myself this career advice: trust your instincts. Although some close people may offer advice, no one knows what will make you happy and successful better than you do.

How do you stay productive throughout the day? Any tips?

These days, I stay productive and motivated by focusing on my own personal happiness. I believe that each task I complete serves a purpose and contributes to the company's success. When I feel tired on unwilling, taking a break outside and getting some fresh air recharges my batteries.

What do you enjoy most about being a woman in the tech industry?

As a woman in the tech industry, I find it incredibly fulfilling to have so many opportunities for growth and creativity. I love being able to come up with new ideas and create exciting projects. It's not every day that you find a career that is so full of potential for personal and professional development. I'm proud to be part of an industry that is constantly pushing the boundaries and coming up with innovative solutions.

Dani Doyle - Head of Demand Gen

What career advice would you give yourself 5 years ago?

Trust yourself. Just because someone is more experienced or has unwavering confidence does not automatically mean they are right. If you follow your instinct, it does not matter if you end up wrong. Failure simply means you took a risk, and you can look back with confidence knowing that you bet on yourself.

How do you stay productive throughout the day? Any tips?

It’s imperative that you understand what will drive results, and focus 90%+ of your working hours on those projects. The key to productivity is saying “no”, deprioritizing projects that don’t have a significant impact on performance, and not getting swept away in fire drills. It’s a lot easier to maintain momentum when you’re to do list is short, precise, and focused on the big rocks. I highly recommend the book Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown for anyone who feels overwhelmed with a never-ending list of work to complete.

What do you enjoy most about being a woman in the tech industry?

Due to the fast-paced and high-pressure nature of the tech industry, it can admittedly be a challenging space for birthing. However, it does offer a lot of flexibility ideal for families. Many in the tech industry respect and even encourage clear boundaries regarding work/life balance. So, pick up your children from school if you want to, pamper them when they’re sick, and take a vacation when it’s convenient for you.

Kelly Steward - Trade Compliance Manager

What career advice would you give yourself 5 years ago?

Don't be afraid to take the leap and try something new if the opportunity arises. Almost exactly 5 years ago I had been with a company that I was afraid to leave because I had been there 13 years (my whole adult career). I was afraid if I left I would fail because it was all I knew. Fast forward 5 years and it was THE BEST move I made. Never forget that change is hard, but you are resilient

How do you stay productive throughout the day? Any tips?

I have a calendar page that I print out every day. It has all of my meetings on it, but I also make notes on things that have to be done, updated, etc. Everyday before I "leave the office" I add the outstanding ones to the next day's calendar page. It reminds me of what all needs to be done so that even though I have a million things going at once, I can't lose focus on the things that HAVE to be done.

What do you enjoy most about being a woman in the tech industry?

I'm new to the tech industry, but I really enjoy seeing the amount of females within this space. I've been in a male dominant industry for the last almost 20 years so seeing the equity in this industry really has me hopeful for the future.

Shivanjali Bhaskar - Lead Customer Success

What career advice would you give yourself 5 years ago?

  1. Find and work with a mentor to create checks and balances and have a sounding board.
  2. Invest time in connecting with professionals that are inspirational (for any reason) outside of work.

How do you stay productive throughout the day? Any tips?

  1. Pre-plan the week: 1 week ahead and do a quick check for the next 3 days on a rolling basis.
  2. Triage: complete the bigger tasks in the first half of the week to be more effective and recognize important priorities. This can sometimes be counterintuitive cause we can tend to tackle the low-hanging fruit to feel efficient.
  3. During the day; Take mini breaks and physically step away from the work desk for meals/etc.

What do you enjoy most about being a woman in the tech industry?

Increasing opportunities and more women joining tech.

Courtney Polite - Talent Acquisition Specialist

What career advice would you give yourself 5 years ago?

The career advice I would give myself 5 years ago would have been to continue looking ahead and working towards your goals. To not give up when things get hard and that your confidence will continue to grow as you grow in your career so believe in yourself in all that you do.

How do you stay productive throughout the day? Any tips?

The ways I stay productive throughout the day is to prioritize what needs to get done through lists at the beginning of my day. I'm a visual person and writing down what needs to be done and crossing it off as I complete tasks helps me feel less bogged down. Also, blocking out time in my calendar to focus specifically on sourcing or focus time helps me as well. I live by my calendar.

What do you enjoy most about being a woman in the tech industry?

I love working with such a diverse group of people and learning from everyone I work with has been great. I've grown so much since starting with Easyship/Gosincro and I love what I do.

Marta Wojcik - Finance Manager

What career advice would you give yourself 5 years ago?

Keep being patient and trust your instinct!

How do you stay productive throughout the day? Any tips?

Do the hardest things first and set small goals.

What do you enjoy most about being a woman in the tech industry?

It is never boring.

Selena Zheng - Talent Specialist

What career advice would you give yourself 5 years ago?

Do a meaningful job for yourself and others.

How do you stay productive throughout the day? Any tips?

Make the schedule a day or 2 days ahead, and focus on the tasks at that time, also, to be flexible.

What do you enjoy most about being a woman in the tech industry?

Be treated equally and with respect.

Check out Our Posts From Previous Years:

Girl Power: How Easyship is Leading the Change for Women in Tech

International Women's Day 2022: The Women of Easyship

Join Easyship in Celebrating International Women's Day 2023 - Embrace Equity! Learn From the Women of Easyship and Their Perspectives on Women Empowerment in the Workplace.

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